Those first three days were horrendous, your little thing has been harder than it's even been before with nowhere to go-- all stuffy in its cage. Some of you have already given up. But those of you still locked or chaste are starting to enjoy that constant frustration, that dull but arousing ache, the way your cage feels like a bra for your little balls.
Your Task for Day 4 of Locktober: Take a picture of yourself and your little locked thingy.
This picture will be only for you but it's something you should treasure forever. Print it and hide it, keep it safe on your phone or computer, but save it somewhere. Eventually you'll want to look at it. And you should, as it'll remind you of when you accepted your place in the world and embraced the ideal of locking your clitty and for many of you, for locking your manhood away. Many sissies and betas become much happier after they accept that their little things wont please women the way a real cock can. It might be time for you to accept your fate and give everything to those you admire or love, except for you-know-what.
And if after you take a picture of your locked clitty and would like to share it with the world, please do so by clicking the paper airplane icon on the top right of this blog's homepage. Please only submit if you're an adult of 18 years or older, okay with your picture being shared (your anonymity will be respected if so requested), and are okay with your image being edited.
This blog contains adult content. In order to view it freely, please log in or register
and confirm you are 18 years or older
Those first three days were horrendous, your little thing has been harder than it's even been before with nowhere to go-- all stuffy in its cage. Some of you have already given up. But those of you still locked or chaste are starting to enjoy that constant frustration, that dull but arousing ache, the way your cage feels like a bra for your little balls.
Your Task for Day 4 of Locktober: Take a picture of yourself and your little locked thingy.
This picture will be only for you but it's something you should treasure forever. Print it and hide it, keep it safe on your phone or computer, but save it somewhere. Eventually you'll want to look at it. And you should, as it'll remind you of when you accepted your place in the world and embraced the ideal of locking your clitty and for many of you, for locking your manhood away. Many sissies and betas become much happier after they accept that their little things wont please women the way a real cock can. It might be time for you to accept your fate and give everything to those you admire or love, except for you-know-what.
And if after you take a picture of your locked clitty and would like to share it with the world, please do so by clicking the paper airplane icon on the top right of this blog's homepage. Please only submit if you're an adult of 18 years or older, okay with your picture being shared (your anonymity will be respected if so requested), and are okay with your image being edited.